Cody got a Bob the Builder tool set for Christmas. He is so cute wearing all the gear!
Cody has been really interested in using the potty lately because he sees Brylie using the potty and he wants to do everything she does. The other day I went in to get him up from his nap and I found that he had taken his diaper and pants off to nap in. He hadn't gone potty in his crib yet so I got him out of his crib and reached in to get his diaper and pants out of the crib. When I turned around he was gone. He ran into the bathroom and peed at the base of the toilet. Then he insisted on sitting on the potty. He wouldn't let me get him off. Finally he peed in the potty, except I'm not very good at the little boy thing yet, because he really just peed all over his shirt while sitting on the potty!! I'll have to work on that one!! I'm not ready to potty train a little one year old boy, so I usually try to distract him when he talks about poopoo and wants to use the potty.