Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Summer Catch Up

So many things have happened this summer that I have not blogged about yet.  I am trying to get everything updated on here because I am having my blog made into a book and I want to be caught up!  I have loved having this blog mainly for my own journal.  Hopefully making it into a book will encourage me to keep it updated more often.  I'm going to try anyway!

In June we went to Lagoon with some of Michael's side of the family.  We had a blast!

Cody's first ride was the lady bug drop.  I was suprised that he wanted to ride it.  I don't think he knew what he was getting into!  He did make it through and was a good sport about it, but I think it was a little more than he bargained for!

Cammie, Michael and Sadie.  We hung out in kiddie land for quite awhile and managed to get in most of those rides.  I didn't take very many pictures of Lagoon, but we did have a lot of fun.  We went on Rattlesnake Rapids and I'm proud to say that I managed to stay pretty dry!  Last year Cody wasn't tall enough for that ride, but this year he was.  He was so excited to be able to ride it with all of his big cousins.... and he did get pretty wet!

The day after Lagoon everyone went boating, but Sadie wasn't feeling too well that morning so we didn't end up going with them.  Our kids were so disappointed so we took them that afternoon to the museum at the University of Utah.   They had fun digging for dinosaur bones.

I love Sadie hiding out in the teepee.
Crazy kids on  a totem pole.

Brylie and Cody were doing a puppet show.  I love this picture, because if you click to enlarge the picture, you can see little eyes peeking through.

They loved this dinosaur at the end because you could put money in its mouth and it would roar.  I took a picture of it and a lady working there got mad at me for using a flash.  Apparently flashes ruin the exhibits.  Just so you know, don't use a flash in a museum!

We had some pretty good thunder storms this summer.  Here in Southern Utah, we celebrate the rain!  The kids had to get their swim suits on and play in it.  It rained pretty good this time, as you can see Sadie is wading in a puddle in our backyard.

It aslo hailed.  Brylie is holding a handful of it.

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